Sunday 13 November 2016

No ransom was paid for the release of 21 chibok girls - DHQ

photo credit - premium times

The Nigerian military has debunk reports that ransom was paid for the release of the 21 Chibok girls freed by the Boko Haram.

The spokesperson of the Nigerian Military Rabe Abubakar says made the statement on saturday, he said statements have been issued by the military to shed more light on the issue concerning the release of
the girls.

Mr. Abubakar is reacting to report by punch that says ransom was paid for the release of the girls.

Mr. Abubakar has dismiseed the reports and called on the general public to disregard the report.

Premium times reports, "  it is therefore worrisome that some sections of the media continue to undermine this modest effort of the government, security agencies and other stake holders. It is imperative to state categorically that this sponsors of media campaign have a hidden agenda which is best known to them.

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