Friday 11 November 2016

Nigeria set to move out of recession as TSA hits N4.3 Trillion

There is a big hope that Nigeria will soon bid recession farewell as Treasury single account (TSA) hits N4.3 trillion.The Accountant General of the Federation Alhaji Ahmed Idris mAde the statement on Thursday, that Treasury Sine Account (TSA) is a money planning and organizing instrument, it has helped massively in the reduction of inflation rate. Now the TSA hits N4.3 trillion.

Mr. Idris revealed this at a workshop in Lagos organized by Institute of Chartered Accounts of Nigeria (ICAN)," On operation, implementation and challenges of TSA".

According to him, the N4.3 trillion cash went into 2,568 TSAs, saying in the past Ministries Department and Agencies (MDAs) ran more than 10,000 accounts that were mostly dormant with balances of tax payers money not utilized for the development of the country.

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